Direct Marketing Commission - Enforcing Higher Industry Standards

Data & Marketing Commission

Cold-calling: DMC investigations

2nd July, 2012 at 11:58am

The DMC investigates any complaints against DMA members. They give effect to the DMA Code – which exists to set standards across the sector and drive up compliance by member and non-member firms.

A DMC ruling, particularly a ruling that a firm should be removed from DMA membership can have a huge effect on that company’s ability to win and keep business. This can be far more dramatic than any fine. But the DMC sees itself as a part of the compliance world, not the only solution. The DMC brings all of its serious self-regulatory decisions to the attention of the ICO and other statutory regulators offering them every assistance if further action seems necessary.

We believe the DMC could support the TPS in taking a more active role, working with those who may be in breach of TPS rules and bring them up to standard. This happens with self-regulation in advertising, and is seen as a valuable supplement to the rules and laws that exist in statute, but where statutory bodies struggle to take preventative action on any real scale. This requires planning, funding and will-power; but is eminently achievable and would drive down the huge amounts of public frustration seen today.

It would be inappropriate for DMC to comment on cases currently under investigation. Previous adjudications, including two relating to termination and suspension of DMA membership can be found at