Direct Marketing Commission - Enforcing Higher Industry Standards

Data & Marketing Commission

Annual Report 2011-2012: Good Data is the Key

5th November, 2012 at 15:49pm

Last month, a UK consumer registered on the Telephone Preference Service invoiced a company for nuisance cold calls. While most people won’t go to those lengths, this case underlines the importance of good data.

The Direct Marketing Commission (DMC) Annual Report 2011/12, which has just been published, highlights the public’s frustration if their wishes are not respected and stresses the need for good data.

As Chief Commissioner, George Kidd, says: “Good data is key to effective direct marketing. Those who sell, buy, and use data need to be sure that it’s up to date, accurate and protects people’s privacy.

“The growth of digital marketing, where consumers are less aware of how data can be collected, makes this more important than ever.”

“The DMC is an effective self-regulator, says Mr Kidd and could do more to help the industry and the Information Commissioner’s Office stem the tide of complaints over breaches of telemarketing privacy.”

The DMA and the DMC will be working together over the coming year to ensure they help industry members better understand the benefits of complying with the DM Code of Practice and ensure it is applied in a fair and reasonable manner.