Direct Marketing Commission - Enforcing Higher Industry Standards

Data & Marketing Commission

DMC launches its new Communications Strategy

10th March, 2025 at 16:56pm

The DMC has published its latest Communications Strategy and Strategic Plan.  These documents set out how we plan to communicate with both industry and our community and defines our key messages, our communication objectives and how we plan to communicate our messages to our key audiences.

Emma Martins, Chief Commissioner said “I am delighted that we are now able to publish these two important documents that set out the key elements of our work and recognise the responsibilities that come with it. Being open and accountable about what we do and why we do it is extremely important for us. I, together with my fellow Commissioners, remain committed to working with the DMA and industry to support constructive and positive engagement around compliance, and recognise the role we play in building, developing, and maintaining those relationships.”